

Seeds For Your Week:


   Water changes form but never changes its molecules. Water is still water even if it is mist, rain, rivers, oceans, ice, snow or clouds. Things get added, but it is essentially always itself, as are we. When taken down to our core, we
Kathryn Wyatt Kathryn Wyatt

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   How do we start and allow the beginning to happen? How do we trust in our beginnings and be loyal to them, however they form? A small spark is the beginning, but the spark needs to go through stages and transformation before it can b
Kathryn Wyatt Kathryn Wyatt

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   Hold space for what has the potential to be, not knowing what it will be, but knowing and trusting the process of creation. Our vessels, our beings, hold the space for what can be. We are creators, seed growers with the ability to in
Kathryn Wyatt Kathryn Wyatt

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   The cracking open of self, this is the life and death cycle of this world. We die and we are born, again and again. We are being formed new within the old constructs. We will break open and be born into this world with a fresh perspe
Kathryn Wyatt Kathryn Wyatt

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   Life is full of cycles. There are cycles within the cycles. All of life is a perfect balance, if we allow it to be so. It’s the Yin and the Yang, the dark and the light, the on and off. All of nature has its cycles. Birds would never
Kathryn Wyatt Kathryn Wyatt

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