How do we start and allow the beginning to happen? How do we trust in our beginnings and be loyal to them, however they form? A small spark is the beginning, but the spark needs to go through stages and transformation before it can burn on its own with heat and light. Often we think our spark is the inferno and we expect it to be so, we expect it to manifest itself into a blaze right away, but sparks need time to gain strength, to catch and to spread. A spark is its own stage, it is the beginning of something new, a beautiful realization, a valiant birth of newness into the world. Sparks are the beauty of a little thing that has the potential to become something more, something that has a life of its own, something that when nurtured correctly can give back parts of itself. Sometimes sparks try to come to fruition but fizzle out, and that is okay too. Not every ember can rage. If we can keep in our minds that some sparks will die and some will transform, we will know that all sparks are useful, even if they are simply there to aid some other one that was not expected. 

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