The cracking open of self, this is the life and death cycle of this world. We die and we are born, again and again. We are being formed new within the old constructs. We will break open and be born into this world with a fresh perspective and new eyes. This is the cycle, the cycle within the cycle. In this life, it is important to become who you are again and again. As you grow, you change and as you change, you shed your skin and begin again. Our cells are completely new every seven years. Our bodies themselves are dying and being reborn. We should, therefore, be letting this happen in our inner life too. When you become new, you take with you all of the information that you know. As the cell is regenerated, it carries the old information with it. This is the way we grow in our lives; we carry with us all we have learned and all that we know up until this point and we bring it forth into the newness that we are becoming. We are dying and hatching at the same time. We are cracking open and our new selves are coming out, formed and whole with room for more, and willing to complete this cycle again. What changes is who we are and what we have learned and therefore what we think we know. In all of nature, life and death are tied together, one with the other, dancing seamlessly as they each lead and follow and understand each other closely. Death means something new to be born, something beautiful and new to be hatched. In the dying garden the decay always feeds the fallen seeds and gives them nourishment to grow strong. Death feeds life and endings are nothing more than beginnings. 


