Water changes form but never changes its molecules. Water is still water even if it is mist, rain, rivers, oceans, ice, snow or clouds. Things get added, but it is essentially always itself, as are we. When taken down to our core, we are the beings that we are. No shell, just the pure light of love and nothing else. Things get added and the shell gets put into place and we change from one form to the next, but essentially we are just those molecules in our simplest forms. The transformation happens best when we are not holding on to what we were, when we allow to be what will be, and when we step into our new form with acceptance and curiosity. How will this new form be different from the last and what is it that I now can do? Accepting the cycles of life in the same way we accept the cycles of water will give us a life of less resistance and one that is more apt to flow. Fog doesn’t hold onto its form because it is afraid to be rain, it is part of the bigger cycle. It transforms because it must, it is destined to be some thing else, something different and because of that, something more. We as humans hold on because we are afraid, we are fearful of the unknown, but what if we took that leap of trust and let go of what we think we know ourselves to be and transform into what we have the potential to be? All of us hold within ourselves a vision of who we wish we could be; a longing, an understanding that sits deep, but fear keeps that transformation from happening. What would happen if we took off our shells and presented ourselves as who we are? How would our lives change? To encourage the transformation and accept the cycles we go through is opening the door and stepping through it. As we transform we become more.