The Divine passes through a human filter and comes out into this world. Without something physical to be manifested in, the Divine just is, but we are the filters that the Divine uses to expressive itself. When we are in alignment and open to receiving without the ego (our human self) getting in the way, we become the channel for the Divine, and inside that channel there is a filter (because we each have our own unique expressive ways) and through that filter the Divine can be made physical. Music, although auditory, needs something physical in which to be expressed; an instrument, a voice. Writing also needs the physical print to be born into this world. So instead of judging ourselves for not being enough, or not doing well enough, why don't we turn our perspectives to the place of truth; that our creative work is a collaboration with the Divine, and by being in that collaboration, we become one. Without us and our unique filters, Divinity cannot be expressed in a creative way. Art is what sets us apart. Humans have been making art since the beginning of our time on this planet. Art is what makes us human and to think that it is us alone who creates it, does us a big disservice and puts a lot of unneeded pressure on ourselves. Tapping into the stream of Divinity and knowing that your filter is your super (human) power will allow you to ease up on yourself and let your talented, creative imagination flow.


