Allowing things into one's life is a conscious choice, whether or not we believe we make it. These things can be positive or negative but with everything we allow, we make a choice. Negative comments stew and simmer in our minds eating away at us. Positive compliments are eaten up like candy and inflate us or get brushed aside and not taken at all. We are always in control of what we let affect us.
How do we choose to use what we are given and how do we even know that we have a choice to take or not to take?
You are not a sponge for absorption, you have the right to decline what is in front of you, you have the choice to say No. When your ego is taking a scenario and running away with it, you have the power to tell it you no longer want to think about that. You have the power to step outside of yourself and say No. This can take multiple times for the persistent ego who keeps finding the cracks to get in, like a weasel in a henhouse. But with work and practice, you can identify the weasel’s plan before it happens and cut him off at the pass.
We are in control of what we allow into ourselves, what we take in. We are not to be pushed around and told what to do and how to think, neither externally or internally. We forget that we are not at the whim of others’ (and our own) wants and manipulations, and it is time that we stood up to ourselves and others and simply said No.
At the exact same time we need to stand up and say Yes to the gifts that we are given from both the Universe and others, whether or not we feel we are worthy or deserving. These gifts are ours for the taking and using. When you say Yes, do it from a conscious place of Love, that way anything that comes into you is nourishing and strengthening. Anything you say Yes to is benefiting you instead of draining you. Even something that is impossible to say No to gets turned around and changed into a full hearted Yes.
You always have a choice of not only what, but how you allow each and everything to enter into your life.