Life is full of cycles. There are cycles within the cycles. All of life is a perfect balance, if we allow it to be so. It’s the Yin and the Yang, the dark and the light, the on and off. All of nature has its cycles. Birds would never hatch eggs in the middle of winter, they know instinctively that the survival of their young would not be possible. Bears hibernate. Squirrels build dreys and hunker down. Why then, do we humans think we are above this force of reap and sow? Without the inward the outward is not so rich. Without the outward the inward is not so rich. When you have done the inside work, you are now ready for the outside work. The outside work is done, now it is time to rest and go within to do the inside work. These cycles must be completed in their full to realize the benefits in the other cycle, there is no half-assing one and expecting the next to be amazing. All cycles are equal, and must be done equally. Human cycles do not necessarily need to line up with the seasons, although this is a good reminder and enables us with the right kind of energy, but cycles can be as simple as taking the inward time right after a project completion or allowing yourself alone time after having spent energy in a large group of people or with family. These are small cycles, but create the point that without one, the other will be lacking, and when we are accumulatively lacking, the results begin to show. To be constantly doing the outside work wears us down, creates fatigue and soreness and can present itself in our physical bodies. On the contrary, to always be doing the inside work without applying it to outside situations can create overthinking, over analyzing, skirting situations and create a feeling of being closed off to the rest of the world. The balance is where the wheels are aligned and are working in unison, as opposed to creating friction with one another. The balance holds you up, and allows you to maneuver through the difficult terrain with confidence. Your inside and your outside worlds are in perfect harmony, perfect working order. Take the time to recharge where needed, understand what is being asked and honor yourself by creating the balance of both worlds free of guilt or defense. Listen and trust your own cycles and your own needs.