Blue Onyx Arts

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Sitting in a circle, each with their own individualities, are the ones who make. They make and pass on to the one next to them. In turn, they add to the make, with their own unique stamp. This is a collaboration of being. Around the circle it goes, until it returns back, still having the hand of the original, but completely transformed into something new. 

When you make and you pass it on, it gives to someone else the inspiration they need to make it their own and then pass it on again. We do not own what we make. We pass on memories, knowledge and feelings for others, and they in turn, do it for someone else. This is a circle that will eventually come back to us. What do we want to start with? What sort of seed do we want to pass on and allow to grow and change? We have a responsibility for what we make. Not only do we give it out to others, but it always returns full circle. What we give out, we get back. What do we want handed to us to make into our own? Lies, deceit and deception will give us just that. Love, honesty and compassion will return to us too. What we start with gets bigger and bolder, added upon one by one, one maker at a time. Kindness grows as does hatred. One is not more potent than the other. It all depends on what we begin with.