Fire. It burns within us, it burns outside of us. For millennia fire was used, was worshiped for its power and gifts. It created light, warmth, nourishment, and most of all it created safety. Safety from cold, from darkness, from sickness and from animal predators. We came to depend on fire for our most basic needs. Since modern times, fire is not needed as much, but in our complacency and safety there has come to be another fire that needs to be tended to that has almost been forgotten. The creative fire within. For many of us, our outside needs are met, but we have forgotten about our inner needs, our inner fire. We think we don’t need it or don’t have it, but the opposite is true, you have it and you need it. When our embers are small we feel lost or unsure; this is us fumbling in the darkness. We feel cold and alone; this is us not realizing we have the ability to warm ourselves. We feel on edge or preyed upon; this is us keeping our fire small not realizing we have the potential for a blaze. It’s time to find your fire, your ember, and feed it. Give it the fuel it needs to give back in return everything you want and desire. You know when you feel fulfilled, inspired, ecstatic and alive, this is your fire being fed. Get back to the place where your fire will feed you, nourish you, and provide you protection, and in return and thanks, do what it is you are here to do. Use your fire to make and do. Show the world that you are your own glowing vessel. Show the world your light.


