The strength to stand tall, stand proud. The strength to lift up yourself and others. The strength to stand against the winds and not take a step back. The strength to walk in the blinding snow, not knowing where you are going but continuing on anyway. Strength comes in many forms, many ways. It takes on guises that we do not recognize. Strength is not surface, it comes from the center. Real strength is quiet and understanding, humble and knowing. It is never showy or adorned. To stand alone for what feels right is strength. Forgiveness is strength. To honor yourself, to know and trust in who you really are takes strength. To give love instead of hate takes the greatest amount of strength there is. To show compassion instead of anger, kindness instead of censure, to walk this earth with an open heart to all you meet, instead of one that is closed and walled. Strength is growing against all odds, finding your own way and blooming in this world, living a life that brings you joy and then creating alchemy with that joy and giving it to others.
It takes strength to live a good life.