Blue Onyx Arts

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Hold space for what has the potential to be, not knowing what it will be, but knowing and trusting the process of creation. Our vessels, our beings, hold the space for what can be. We are creators, seed growers with the ability to inspire abundance. You are that fertile ground, you are the channel that ideas get manifested in, you are a creator in your own individual way. You are like no other, your abilities and talents are like no other human. You possess what your seed ideas need. To grow, to be strong and bountiful. Finding and knowing the place where the seed grows from, knowing it needs to be fertile, needs to be strong and powerful, that place of fertility of nurturance; without it the seed cannot grow. You could have millions of seeds but without the proper place, they will continue to be a little drops of potential. The place of growing is as important as the quality of seed itself. The place of nurturance must be rich and in good balance, it must feed and care for the seed and allow it to germinate and grow. It constantly feeds it, giving it what it needs. Too much of one thing will throw off this balance creating a plant that is too thin and cannot hold itself up or too thick with foliage where the sun cannot get to the inner leaves causing rot, or too much foliage but no flowers, or not enough nutrients causing the plant to yellow and look sickly. The balance is important. Sometimes we tend to baby our plants and coddle them, not letting them take shape on their own. We create the problems in our plants by paying too much attention to them and doting on their every inch. Create the space, the vessel that you are. Make sure you are in perfect balance, already equipped with the nutrients you need to go forward. The seeds, the ideas, will come on their own like yeast being attracted to honey to make mead. The ideas are always in the air, there is never a short supply of seeds. Your job is to be that perfect ground for them to grow in when they do find their way to you.